

Yoga is a philosophy of human life which is now become the best tool to balance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India basically for the ultimate goal achieve to the Samadhi/ liberation and abide in that state as pure awareness/ salvation. 


  • Karma yoga
  • Bhakti yoga
  • Gyan yoga
  • Raja yoga


KARMAYOGA :  Karm yoga  is a meant to get liberation/ Samadhi  through selfless action in action. 

BHAKTIYOGA : Bakti  yoga  is a meant to get liberation/ Samadhi  through various types of worships participation, devotion and love for any endeavour (Shvetashvatara Upanishad) 

Karma yoga for dutiful life and `Bhakti yoga as one surrender self to the ultimate are  being discussed in depth by the Bhagavad Gita.

GYANYOGA : Gyan yoga  is a meant to get liberation/ Samadhi  through wisdom or knowledge of life , 

RAJYOGA:   Rāj yoga  is a meant to get liberation/ Samadhi  through eight limbs of yoga (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali). Now Rāja yoga has variously been called aṣṭāṅga yoga, Royal yoga, Royal union, Sahaja marg, and classical yoga. In present era, Yoga is become so popular for Health after being accepted by 197 country world wide not exactly the Raj yoga but it’s eight limbs in various modified forms-

  • POWER YOGA :  The dynamic yoga which gives strength & flexibility .
  • YOGA THERAPY :  Disease wise treatment according to the indiidual through mainly  from Ashtang Yoga .
  • LAYA YOGA :  Rhythmic style combination of zumba & aerobics in yoga asanas .
  • ADVANCED YOGA : More flexibility with more advanced asanas. 
  • MEDITATION :  Remove mind obsticals, stress, feel calm, freshness through Dharana (Focusin) limb of Yoga .
  • SHATKRIYA :  rejuvenate your body , remove toxins by the means of six actions mentioned in Yoga.   

Dr Raakhi AYURVIGYAN offers YOGA for TOTAL HEALTH in all the prospects of teaching, training, and treatment through an integrated approach of YOGAYU. YOGA Classes are being conducted in morning to evening batch wise. Special Tratak ( EYE therapy) class is being conducting every evening.   


Name of Certificate course  Eligibility  Duration  About the Course Fee
YOGAYU INTRODUCTION (YAIC Minimum 10 th  PASSED • 100 hrs (ONE MONTH) Introduction of Yoga, Naturopathy & Ayurveda all together for Wellness of body-mind-spirit INR 15,900/-

$ 200/- for Foreigner/ NRIs

YOGA YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy raduate 350 hrs   Introduction of Yoga  Science INR 14,900/-
Any SKILL of Yoga/  YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy raduate 150 hrs
  • Yogasana
  • Pranayam- Meditation
  • Satkriya  Tratak 
  • Kapalbati 
INR 9,900/- each course 


  • REGULAR CLASSES -  the various forms of YOGA like- Asan, Pranayam, Meditation, Tratak etc ON(5 week days or weekend (SAT-SUN)2 Days-Slot wise.
Name of Regular Classes   Eligibility  Duration  Seats/ Batch  Fee
Regular Yoga Asan with ImmunTea Any one 1 hour  Single Couple Group of 12 Rs. 450/class  package system also 
Regular Pranayam & Dhyan with ImmunTea Any one  1 hour  Single Couple  Group of 12 Rs. 400/class package system also 
Yoga Tratak  Any one  Regular 30 Minutes  Single Couple Group of 12 Rs. 400/class package system also