राखी AYURVIGYAN is a visionary gateway to Total HEALTH and having epitomic excellence in YOGAYU services. Ayurveda is an essential and very important part of डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN in the terms of prevention and cure of the diseases. Henceforth, it is a mandatory requirement of today to learn and turn this system for mankind and Earn Total Health.
Over the past few years, Ayurveda has been accepted as a holistic approach to healthcare all around the world with a paradigm that helps people to lead a healthy and balanced life as it means ‘knowledge of throughout Life from pre conception to all stages of age till death. It explores the prevention of Health, preservation of Immunity and protection from the causes and cure of the diseases with a scientific management.in Rational– Psychosocial– Spiritual ways by the means of Ayurvedic dietary-deed- deliberation, Ayurvedic indication-contraindication of daily seasonal regimen, Ayurvedic Panchkarma/ detoxification and rejuvenation techniques, Kshar Sutra Therapy, medicinal properties of herbs, minerals, animal and surgical approaches with well assessed and validated and clinically assessed the impact of these modes on human Health.
At डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN, we make sure to target right at the root cause of the aliments, diagnose, prevent, protect. preserve Human health and cure the diseases effectively via a range of Palliative & Rejuvenating Therapies- Mukhlepa (Facial), Abhyanga (Medicated Oil massage), Shiro Abhyanga (Scalp/Head Massage, Shirodhara, Udvartana (Herbal Powder Massage), Kati (waist back) Basti, Janu (Knee) Basti, Greeva( Neck) Basti, Patra Pinda Sweda (Sudation), Pottali Sweda, Netra(Eye)therapy /Akshitarpana, to Panchkarma techniques including Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya, Rakhtamokshan.
The practitioners at डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN are highly specialized and offers all these treatments with utmost precision and techniques. You can also relax and rejuvenate through therapies like Abhyanga, Shiro Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Udhwartana, Kati Basti, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti, Netra Tarpana, Ashyotan, Kaval, Gandoosh, Kshar Sutra and many more and that all with individual Prakriti Constitution) wise
At डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN, we offer a set of rejuvenating and relaxing therapies that are specially designed to treat chronic health issues and nourish the body thereby promoting wellness. Visit NOW.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN offers training REGULAR WORKSHOPS on all the Techniques based on Ayurveda.

डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN imparts courses on various ways to LEARN YOGAYU with true authenticated knowledge of AYURVEDA in Regular Various Certificate Courses, Regular classes and Workshops too.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN imparts Teaching and Training on YOGAYU by conducting Certificate Courses and Workshops on Regular and also on Online basis (15 seats per batch ) as under -
Name of Certificate course | Eligibility | Duration | About the Course | Fee | |
Minimum 10 th PASSED | 100 hrs (ONE MONTH) | Introduction of Yoga, Naturopathy & Ayurveda all together for Wellness of body-mind-spirit |
Note: As per YOGAYU importance for Total Health, this introductory Certificate is mandatory eligibility to learn skills to Yoga, Naturopathy and Ayurveda further. Students who have basic education in any of stream of YOGAYU, theycan join various skill directly in chosen category.

Name of Certificate courses | Eligibility | Duration | About the Course | Fee |
AYURVEDA | YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy Graduate | 300 hrs With Internship | Introduction of Ayurveda medical Science | INR 30,900/-
Any SKILL of Ayurveda **
YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy Graduate | 150 hrs With Internship |
INR 13,900/- |
YOGAYU Intervention for a Disease** like Hypertension/Obesity/Diabetes/Arthritis/Stress et | Any one | 40 hrs With Internship | YOAYU Therapy in different disease | INR 9000/- Per Disease |
NOTE: Syllabus of each Course is available in Rs. 300/-for each Certificate Course. Seats are available on FIRST COME FIRST BASIS. You may book your seat by online payment also.

Remark: Medical checkup with Scanning of the internal organs evaluation on payment is available at डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN.