Female Care

Prize- Rs. 395/-

Female Care

Fetus to Fertile

Female Fitness –Fetus to Fertile is sure to be a boon to highlight the wisdom of ancient Indian medicine for health care of a female from her age of Garbh/fetus to Garbhini/fertile.The learned author is a very well known scholar physician, surgeon, director, scientist and an excellent writer. She has already succeded in various ways to promote Ayurveda sciene . This book will certainly add a vision of Ayurveda ancient medical system in today’’s global medicine.

It is written in a vivid style with dued scientific temper. It can be regarded as a complete book specially on preventive care of a female from her role of Garbh to Garbhini by Ayurveda in todays global medicine for female care. The present book contains Health-Care of a Female in her differnt age chapters wise like Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, progenesis, embryogenesis infant, child adolescence, adult, pregnant and even her lactational care.and excellent writer as she has succeded in making various promotion of Ayurveda earlier

It is written in a vivid style with due scientific temper. It can be regarded as a complete book on a female from her role of Garbh to Garbhini the foetus onward health care by ayurveda.Because it covers almost all the aspects of ancient and modern view on particular various stages of a Naari’s life. This handy manual will prove an easy as well as very useful reading forThe scriptures say that divinity resides where women are being worshiped. Greater the freedom, respect, quality of their health and security the more of society enjoys health and vice versa. The multiple roles of a female throughout her life make her more prone to sickness in her different stages. But girl is neglected the most today due to social stigma.

The simple language with easy practices of ayurveda it is hoped this book will be very useful for all especially for all girls, mothers, and for those who care them. I expect that all National andInternational agencies of health care will put some step forward for female health care tipsfrom ayurveda for total Fitness of a Female for Fetus –Fertile.

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