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डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN proposes a guideline of “ (RULES of 3W“ WIN COVID-19)

1. WASH- Hand, body, Mask, Clothes, Linen, Goggles, Purse, Cards, Surfaces of all touch material with appropriate material before use (What not  Skin is the Touch organ ).

2. WEAR- Mask  Goggles, Gloves and Body- Hair Cover.

3. WON’T- Share your surroundings (air, touches, breath, clothes, mobile, any contact surfaces).

डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN requests individual participation for विश्व स्वास्थ्य (World Health & Happiness)-    Practicing vigilance, alertness and hygiene as our ancient medicine described and make it permanent habits to protect all Agantuj -आगंतुज (external) including Corona virus and other invisible enemies).