डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN; A Gateway to Health & Happiness was established on 30-1.2020. This is a Health Care Institute as an apex execution of services of YOGAYU (Yoga- Naturopathy- Ayurveda) and conceptualized by Dr Raakhi Mehra who reinvented an ultimate answer to Global Total Health & Happiness as each system of medicine is having its own limitations. So this is the high time to amalgamate the holistic AYUSH medicine with modern vast validated standard medical world for human kind without putting supremacy of any single one by any reason.
This unique approach Sharirendriya Satvatmah Rakshanam is the need for today’s global TOTAL HEALTH issues which not only reforms, rejuvenates and revives the life style by correction of Diet, Deed and Life Discipline but also cure the diseases via specific treatments, scientific techniques, skilled mode, individual therapies, physical–mental-emotional hygiene with integrated individual approach of Yoga-Naturopathy-Ayurveda holistic medicines with a super specialist supervision.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN has an objective vision, super specialist qualification, efficient skills, honest execution and also a trained humble team. The treatment starts with consultation and discussion with the patient to get a clear picture regarding the problems and understand the symptoms and cause of the problem.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN follows a holistic approach towards beauty and health with detoxification and rejuvenating body-mind-emotion care. Beauty is not just related to the skin, the wellness of stomach, diet and digestion, adequate sleep, stress less wellness help in giving a natural glow, making feel good inside and outside.
Every individual has a unique Prakruti (body type) and its complete characteristics feature which is required to understand beauty and health. The beauty wing of डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN facilitates customized, stress free wellness, weight reduction program, skin,- Hair care shiroabhyang (Head massage) Mukhlepa (facials), Padabhyanga (pedicure), Shirolepa (hair care), Eye Care etc on regular regimen basis .
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN conducts Rasayan Programs like Swarna Praashana also to bring about Pushti or nourishment strength, Increase longevity, build up immunity. For age group ie children – old, man to woman.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN conducts Rasayan Programs like Swarna Praashana also to bring about Pushti or nourishment strength, Increase longevity, build up immunity. For age group ie children – old, man to woman.
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN imparts courses on various ways to LEARN YOGAYU with true authenticated knowledge of YOGA, NATUROPAY and also of AYURVEDA. It also offers YOGA and AYURVEDA Regular Various Certificate Courses, Regular classes and Workshops too.
Name of Certificate courses | Eligibility | Duration | About the Course | Fee |
YOGAYU * | YAIC | 300 hrs
With Internship |
*Yoga, Naturopathy & Ayurveda for following Each Course On -
INR 25,900/- Per Course |
Any SKILL of Yoga/ Naturo Therapy/ Ayurveda ** | YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy Graduate | 150 hrs With Internship | ** | INR 13,900/- |
YOGAYU Intervention for a Disease** like Hyprtension/Obesity/Diabetes/Arthritis/Stress etc | Any one | 40 hrs With Internship | YOAYU Therapy in different disease | INR 9000/- Per Disease |
NOTE: Syllabus of each Course is available in Rs. 300/-for each Certificate Course. Seats are available on FIRST COME FIRST BASIS. You may book your seat by online payment also.
** SKILLS ON Yoga/ Naturo Therapy/ Ayurveda ….
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN also conducts Regular YOGA CLASSES -Classes – Timings 6.30 AM to 7PM Evening Classes – Timings 4PM to 6PM Special Tratak classes – only in the night 6PM to 8 Pm 30 miutes batch wise
डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN offers training REGULAR WORKSHOPS on all the Techniques based on YOGAYU.


So if you really wish to EARNt health, healing, harmony and happiness in TOTO, TURN now in YOGAYU JOIN NOW