

Naturopathy is a system of AYUSH based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage etc.”  

Foundation principles of naturopathy- 

  • The Healing Power of Nature:  This recognizes the individual’s ability to heal self . It promotes processes that help heal and removes obstacles to health.
  • Identify and Treat the Causes :   This is not merely remedies symptoms, naturopathy seeks to find but treats the causes of disease.
  • First Do No Harm: It avoids using harmful medications and treatment methods, will not suppress symptoms in most cases, and aligns treatment with the individual’s self-healing ability.
  • Doctor as Teacher: Providing education and promoting self-responsibility are primary functions of naturopathic physicians.
  • Treat the Whole Person:  It treats the individual by considering his or her environment, genetics, abilities, and attitudes.
  • Prevention :  It focuses on prevention and reducing risk and susceptibility to illness.


डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN imparts Teaching and Training on YOGAYU by conducting Certificate Courses and Workshops on Regular and also on Online basis (15 seats per bat ) as under -   




Name of Certificate course  Eligibility  Duration  About the Course Fee


Minimum 10 th  PASSED 100 hrs (ONE MONTH) Introduction of Yoga, Naturopathy & Ayurveda all together for Wellness of body-mind-spirit  INR 15,900/-

$ 200/- for Foreigner/ NRIs

Note: As per YOGAYU importance for Total Health, this introductory Certificate is mandatory eligibility to learn skills to Yoga, Naturopathy and Ayurveda furter. Students who have basic education in any of stream of YOGAYU, they can join various skill directly in chosen category.


Name of Certificate courses  Eligibility  Duration  About the Course  Fee
YOGAYU  YAIC 300 hrs

With Internship

*Yoga, Naturopathy & Ayurveda for 

  • Life Style
  • Diet Management
  • Skin Care
  • Hair Care
  • Immunity
  • Stress Management 
  • Weight  management 
INR 25,900/- Per Course
Any SKILL of Yoga/ Naturo Therapy*/ Ayurveda   YAIC / AYUSH/ Allopathy Graduate 150 hrs With Internship ** INR 13,900/-
YOGAYU Intervention for a Disease** like Hyprtension/Obesity/Diabetes/Arthritis/Stress etc. Any one  40 hrs With Internship YOAYU Therapy in different disease INR 9000/- Per Disease



डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN is a Gateway to Total; Health and Happiness through YOGAYU (Well integrated approach of Yoga-Naturopathy-Ayurveda). In डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN, everything is designed to keep the comfort of patients in mind. We focus on clinical excellence and distinctive personalized care of the individual.

The practitioners at डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN are highly specialized and offer all these treatments with utmost precision and skilled techniques. 

FASTING :  Fasting is an important treatment modality for health preservation. In fasting, mental preparedness is an essential pre-condition. Both gross and cellular physiology is profoundly affected by caloric restriction (CR) or intermittent fasting (IF) regimes. Fasting there is of course facilitates a significant reduction of body fat and mass, which supports a healthy cardiovascular system and reduces stress in liver too. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN provides fasting therapy under proper professional care.

DIET THERAPY: Diet is regarded as Medicine in Naturopathy. Diet therapies are specially designed and prescribed for medical and/or general nutritional reasons. According to this therapy, the food must be taken in natural form into three categories-Eliminative Diet, Soothing Diet & Constructive Diet according to the state of patient and requirement. Being alkaline, these diets help in improving health, purifying the body and rendering it immune to disease. Diet therapy is a broad term for the practical application of nutrition as a preventative or corrective treatment of disease. डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN usually involves the modification of an existing dietary lifestyle to promote optimum health.

ACUPRESSURE :  A form of alternative therapy in which manual pressure is used to stimulate specific points on the body along with lines of energy with special consideration of Ayurvedic marma . डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN considers all these points altogether by the skilled and experienced team.  

REFLEXOLOGY :  A system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head linked to every part of the body ..डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN facilitates this service in  effective and efficient ways.    

CUPPINGA therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction and believed to stimulate the flow of energy .  डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN has improvised this technique with the help of Ayurveda Raktamokshan cupping. 

AURICULAR :  The ear is a micro system, and reflects the entire body, and helpful in physical, mental or emotional health are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN is providing an Auriculo therapy in the integration of Acupresure and Marma Therapy. 

ENEMA :  As stimulants, enema is a colon therapy to detoxify the bowel, rectum, and large intestine. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN customizes this enema technique with Ayurvedic Basti 

SVEDANA OR STEAM THERAPY :  Svedana is an individualized sudation or steam bath treatment which involves sweating. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN narrates a well elaborated Svedan technique for detoxification, rejuvenation, revitlization and state of balance which promotes general health also . 



Massage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical (anatomical), functional (physiological), and in some cases psychological purposes and goals of Total Health

डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN  involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids targets tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels. 

ACUPRESSURE : When ‘Acu Points’ (Energy stored points) on the surface rhythmically on the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities, are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN teaches and treated patients through this technique enriches with YOGAYU. 

CHROMO THERAPY :  Seven colors of Sun rays have different therapeutic effects. For being healthy and in treatment of different diseases, these colors work effectively. डा.राखी AYURVIGYAN performs this therapy as an adjutant therapy to treat the patient if required especially to help in the process of recovery in a very effective manner .

HYDROTHERAPY: Hydrotherapy or water application uses its temperature effects, as in hot & cold baths, saunas, wraps, etc and in all its forms-solid, fluid, vapour, ice and steam, internally and externally. 

You can also relax and rejuvenate and manage your health and beauty through therapies like Abhyanga, Shiro Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Udhwartana, Kati Vasti, Janu Vasti, Greeva Vasti, ranging from Mukhlepa (Facial), Kshalepa (Hair Mask) to Padabhyang (Foot massaege), Yoga Classes, Tratak , Shatkriya, Fasting, Diet therapy, and many more. So Learn, Train & Earn SWASTHYA (Immunity–Wellness-Health) through YOGAYU (Yoga- Naturopathy- Ayurveda) at डा. राखी AYURVIGYAN